4. Evaluating your transcriptome assembly

We will be using Transrate and Busco!

Be sure you have loaded the right Python packages

source ~/pondenv/bin/activate


Transrate serves two main purposes. It can compare two assemblies to see how similar they are. Or, it can give you a score which represents proportion of input reads that provide positive support for the assembly. We will use transrate to get a score for the assembly. Use the trimmed reads. For a further explanation of metrics and how to run the reference-based transrate, see the documentation: http://hibberdlab.com/transrate/metrics.html and the paper by Smith-Unna et al. 2016.

Make a new directory and get the reads together:

mkdir -p evaluation
cd evaluation

cat ${PROJECT}/quality/*R1*.qc.fq.gz > left.fq.gz
cat ${PROJECT}/quality/*R2*.qc.fq.gz > right.fq.gz

Transrate doesn’t like pipes in sequence names. This version of Trinity doesn’t output pipes into the sequence names, but others do. Let’s just fix to make sure.

sed 's_|_-_g' ${PROJECT}/assembly/trinity_out_dir/Trinity.fasta > Trinity.fixed.fasta

Now, run the actual command:

transrate --assembly=Trinity.fixed.fasta --threads=2 \
  --left=left.fq.gz \
  --right=right.fq.gz \


Run the actual command:

BUSCO.py \
  -i Trinity.fixed.fasta \
  -o nema_busco_metazoa -l /home/ubuntu/busco/metazoa_odb9 \
  -m tran --cpu 2

Check the output:

cat run_nema_busco_metazoa/short_summary_nema_busco_metazoa.txt

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